Ok, so here we are. I have a blog. And I'm totally terrified.

I don't exactly know why I'm here. I thought this could be a good way to document my transition from Down Under to my London life. But given I started this six months into my new home, I'm thinking I could have missed the best bits.

And I don't really have any useful tips on how to manage your life (I'm starting my own story six months late) and my insights into world affairs are limited to mainstream media, so I don't think there's much I can offer there.

But I did promise myself I would write more. So here I am. With my own blog. Writing.

And that seems good enough.

Monday, 8 March 2010

I resigned today

From my Australian job that is.

Terrified that I might fall foul of the Global Financial Crisis and be forced to return prematurely to Melbourne broke and dejected, I requested a career break from ANZ. Kindly they came to the party, which has been a fantastic security blanket while re-establishing myself.

Now, four months before I’m due back behind the desk, I’ve hit that point where I need to make a decision. I loathe decisions.

I do know that I’m nowhere near ready to go back: I have more to see. The sun is being all flirtatious. I can’t afford the airfare.

I need more time. A lot more. But unfortunately that doesn’t work for work, which is fair enough. While it’s really no big deal – I have another job and I am on the other side of the world after all – it’s one of those moments that forces you to stop and finally give some airtime to those little voices. Do I want to stay? Do I even like it here? Am I willing to give up a good thing back home?

The answer is undoubtedly ‘yes’ to all. For now. So safe in that knowledge, I feel comfortable in cutting the safety chord and watching it snap all the way back to Australia.

It’s a good feeling, and another reminder that I’ve survived. Which is all I really hoped for this trip. It also means I’ll be home when I’m good and ready.

But I will miss the Z.


  1. i hope you are not cutting all safety chords

  2. Just the safety ones. The others still have a firm hold.
